Spring is here, and the baby geese are hatching. The killdeer lay their tiny eggs in petite nests on the ground. My annuals are showing their green heads. I even have some early brave blooms. Mother Nature has a schedule that we are seldom privy to. But when I see the first hummingbird, the first gosling, the tender green leaves, and more sunshine than not, my heart rejoices.
The smell of fresh cut grass permeates the air. Barbecues are lit. Comfortable patio furniture is dug from the depths of the garage and set out to air in the extended evening, in anticipation of listening to a baseball game and sipping on a cold drink. Spring break causes rejoicing amongst the young and young at heart. Bulky winter clothes get exchanged for lighter summer styles.
But Mother Nature can launch a sneak attack. Our lows dip down into the teens, squashing the hopes of planting an early garden. Rogue, overnight snow showers surprise us into rethinking our flip-flops. The majestic eagle makes a meal for his children out of a defenseless gosling. But low temperatures also kill off the mosquitoes and other pests. Snow showers feed our water table, watering our garden in late summer. I avoid overthinking the food chain cycle, and I don’t count the goslings. Everyone needs to eat.
Despite the fits and starts, spring is still one of my favorite times of year, a time of renewal, hopeful beginnings, the chance to spend more time outdoors. A time to plant, prune, trim, and shape all of our growing things including our thoughts. It is an opportunity to start a new outdoor project or sport, wash my windows, or play a round of cornhole on my freshly mown grass (thank you, honey) with a loved one. A time to sit in a comfortable chair on the porch and contemplate my many blessings at the end of a productive day. The goslings? Most of them make it to adulthood. But I don't have a second to think about them now as it is time to clean out the garage!
What are your favorite things about spring? What makes your heart smile, your soul rejoice? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
Spring is my fave! I call Apeik, May, and June my spring trilogy…91 days. I love standing on the threshold in March. And then suddenly they are here, and one by one disappear. Already 32 are gone. Good descriptions. As you know, I especially like your “growing thoughts” depiction!
You have said it all. Beautifully done.
I love the sunshine and new beginnings too! 🌞